Assault Bail Bonds
Assault bail bonds have special stipulations. One of the most significant of these stipulations is the personal protection order. We can help you navigate the fields of obtaining an assault bail bond, as well as aid in preventing any violations of the terms of the bond.
Domestic Violence Bail Bonds
Domestic violence bail bonds are very similar to other bail bonds. They contain many of the same stipulations. The individual must attend all court mandated hearings and refrain from being arrested for any other crime. Unlike most other bail bonds, however, a domestic violence bail bond usually requires a restraining order.
DUI Bail Bonds
If you have been arrested for a DUI, it may be necessary to obtain a DUI bail bond. These services can help you obtain the time you need to seek legal counsel and build an excellent defense. Knowing the limitations of a DUI bail bond can help you prevent even further legal consequences from occurring.
Possession Bail Bonds
Drug-related charges can cause excessive damage to your life and cause it to veer off course. These charges also tend to result in extremely high bail costs. Obtaining a possession bail bond can help you minimize the amount of damage the drug charge results in, by gaining you the necessary time to build a defense.
Violating Court Order Bail Bonds
These bail bonds will be required after the individual has been arrested for violating an existing court order. The judge may force the individual to stay in jail, but they may also offer bail. The bail will likely be considerably higher than conventional loans and will require even more stipulations than other types of bail. Violating court order bail bonds often results in mandatory daily check-ins and updated information.
Immigration Bail Bonds
Immigration bail bonds are usually required when any person who is not a US citizen is arrested. This can include individuals with a green card, visa, or no legal paperwork whatsoever. There are multiple factors that can affect the overall cost for immigration bail bonds.