Obtaining the services of a bail bond company can help minimize the amount of damage that being charged with a crime can do to your life. They can help you get out of jail quickly. They can also allow you to return to your job and gain you the time to build a solid defense for your case.
Cache County Jail
Cache County Jail’s address is 1225 West Valley View # 100, Logan, UT 84321. The phone number for the Cache County Jail is (435) 755-1000. Cache County Jail serves the city of Logan, as well as other small cities around Cache County. If you need a bail bond in Cache County Jail, our agents are available to help you. You can contact us at 435-750-8978. Mark Larsen and Patricia Larsen are our designated agents in Cache County. They can provide you with the most efficient, helpful bail bond services possible.
The Bail Bond Process
The bail bond process begins with the judge setting the bail price. After bail has been set, the bail bond company is able to post bail. The individual will then be free to return to their life and prepare a defense. The bail bond company will then be responsible to ensure that the defendant attends all of their court-mandated hearings. If they fail to do so, their bail will be revoked and they will be rearrested. After they have attended their final hearing, the court will release the bond and their contract with the bail bond company will be over.
Bail bond services can help to create the ideal situation for those facing criminal charges. You can’t build an adequate defense when you are behind bars. Obtaining the services of a bail bond company can help buy you the necessary time to build a reasonable defense. To learn more about our bail bond services, contact us today!